Grant Expense Management? Tempest-GEMS excels at tracking expenses! It is in our name.
We’d like to see you step away from spreadsheets. When you enter invoices, force account, or revenue, we capture their supporting document right away. We track whether the invoice has been paid. And when you want to examine your financial transactions, we present them just like you’d see them in a bank book or other accounting systems

Expense Entry
Tempest-GEMS takes the best of accounting systems from the last decades. The process emphasizes rhythm and flow.
Where possible, Storm Petrel can link Tempest-GEMS data with your accounting system. Why enter, if a download is possible. Nobody likes to re-do any work!
Attach Invoice
As the invoices are captured, it is best to upload the related documents such as the invoice, the check or EFT. It is want the federal granting agencies require.

Ever lost a document? You won’t with Tempest-GEMS.
Why is this better than Drop Box or SharePoint or other shared media?
- Always attached to the invoice
- Ready for Requests for Reimbursements
- Ready for Close Out
Quality Assurance Review
Tempest-GEMS QA Review feature can permits someone to review the data associated with a grant. The reviewer identifies what percentage to review and the system randomly selects financial records and documents to meet the criteria.

Cash Flow
Many organizations rely on federal grants for critical infrastructure, operating costs, rebuilding after disasters. Tempest-GEMS presents the cash flow for your grant program answering the question how are you doing with reimbursements, with spending, and where are you in the life cycle of the grant?

Our guarantee — if you have a federal or state grant and we don’t have the required reporting form, we’ll make it for free! No risk to you. We admit, we just have not (yet) seen every grant type.
If you are managing FEMA Public Assistance grants, we have created all of the standard reporting forms for you. They are gorgeous, and no spreadsheets required. For other grants, we’ve got standard federal financial reporting forms.